

The North Whisman neighborhood is made up of quaint, well-maintained townhomes built in the 1990s, older single-family homes and condos, and newer single-family homes along Evandale Avenue built around 2007. This neighborhood is gentrifying with the construction of six new tri-level, detached row homes in 2014. 18 additional row homes were planned to be constructed over the following year. Upscale office buildings along North Whisman Road, some housing Google facilities, have also assisted with gentrification of the neighborhood. For those who love to hike for pleasure or walk to work, paved Hetch-Hetchy Trail at Whisman Road connects to Stevens Creek Trail, which grants convenient access to both downtown Mountain View and the bay.

  • Parks

    • Hetch Hetchy Trail- Mountain View, CA 94043
    • Whisman School Park- Mountain View, CA 94043
  • Public Schools

    • Huff Elementary- 253 Martens Avenue Mountain View, CA 94040
    • Crittenden Middle- 1701 Rock Street Mountain View, CA 94043
    • Mountain View High- 3535 Truman Avenue- Mountain View, CA 94040 (#12 High School in Clifornia)