A Man on the Inside

The DeLeon Team attends the 2025 Silicon Valley Association of Realtors Installation Gala

By Alexander Lewicki, Buyer Specialist | DRE #02189814

When I started my transition from real estate litigator to full-time agent, I was motivated in part by the lack of enthusiasm that the industry at large seemed to have for learning and mastering its craft. I was also motivated, of course, by what I considered to be a major injustice – my long hours spent toiling away at legal briefs meant that the world was missing out on my good looks and undeniable sense of humor. Kidding aside, I often find myself blown away by how little the average agent knows or cares about the inner workings of the industry. 

Naturally, I began to seek out opportunities to obtain knowledge in a field that has long prioritized who you know, rather than what you know.  As part of this pursuit, I became involved in organized real estate on a local level by serving on the Palo Alto District Council for the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors. I would later become elected as the District Chair for Palo Alto – or as Michael Repka would say, “the Grand Poohbah of Palo Alto” (a position second in importance only to the mayor—at least in my mind). In that role, I also serve on the Board of Directors of the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors and the California Association of Realtors. 

And while the typical agent scoffs at the idea of spending time on what they may consider volunteer work, I have become quite passionate about my current role and plan to expand on it in the future. I have found that my leadership position within organized real estate gives me an edge in almost every facet of my practice. As a board member, I have a say in decisions within the industry that affect not only other real estate agents but also homeowners throughout the state. 

When the California Association of Realtors sought to oppose Proposition 33 – a wildly anti-housing proposition – I was part of the decision-making process that ultimately led to the measure failing in the recent November election. Locally, when Palo Alto attempted to unilaterally add 100+ homes to the historic registry, I was part of the group of realtors that strongly opposed the city’s efforts to do so without polling residents and homeowners first. My clients were among the first to learn about Palo Alto’s proposal and were able to join the opposition. Together, we led the charge, and Palo Alto’s efforts soon fell apart at the city council level (so long “deemed potentially eligible for historic designation” designation!). 

Alexander gets sworn into the Board of Directors for the Silicon Valley Association of Realtors

While most of my colleagues were left scrambling when buyer representation agreements became mandatory earlier this year, our brokerage had been following these lawsuits for several years and had prepared ourselves and our clients for the coming changes.

Not only has my leadership role expanded my knowledge (and in turn, what my clients know), but it has also expanded my network. I often joke that the Palo Alto weekly broker tour is “my” tour, but I’m admittedly proud that my name and contact information are at the top of every tour sheet for other agents to see. My efforts have increased my visibility among other agents, who, at the very least, must acknowledge my commitment and expertise. And by working exclusively with buyers, this often boosts my clients’ chances of having their offer stand out in competitive bidding situations. Listing agents naturally want to work with whom they know and trust – colloquially, we call that winning the tie-breaker.

I promise you that my commitment to my craft and dedication to my clients not only makes me stand out among my peers but also ensures that your offer stands out among the crowd. Call me today at 650.847.7407, or send me an email at alexander@deleonrealty.com to get started with your home search.

Alexander Lewicki | alexander@deleonrealty.com Tel: 650.847.7407