Global Real Estate Trends – Part Two: Japan and France
By Ken DeLeon
I have always found that many of life’s greatest lessons are learned through traveling. Since discord is a greater teacher than concord, it is by challenging yourself and seeing new and distant lands where most growth and knowledge…

Caltrain Electrification Sparks Appreciation
By Michael Repka
Over the past 15 years, we have seen a shift in buyers’ preferences away from remote estates located far up into the hills and towards fine properties closer to city centers.
While no group is ever homogenous, many tech buyers…

Pending IPOs Spark Confidence
By Michael Repka
Although the end of 2018 and early 2019 revealed material weakness in the Silicon Valley real estate market, there is some reason for optimism. Recently completed IPOs, coupled with expected upcoming IPOs, seem to be breathing a sigh…

The Chinese Trade War’s Impact on Silicon Valley Real Estate
By Audrey Sun
Currently there is a lot of concern and consternation about the potential looming trade war with China. While there have been numerous scholarly articles addressing the current geo-political environment, this article will focus on…

The Unfortunate Downside of Automated Searches
By Michael Repka, Esq.
There’s no doubt that technology has made a significant impact on the search for homes. Nowadays, many buyers do the bulk of their searching online and, often, with little assistance from buyer’s agents. That is one of…

Global Real Estate Trends – Part One: Russia and The UK
by Ken DeLeon
First you master the game, then you change it! For the first 10 years of my career, I practiced real estate under the traditional model and became the #1 ranked agent in the nation by REAL Trends Inc. as published in the Wall Street…

What is an EB-5 Visa and How Does it Affect Silicon Valley Real Estate?
by Audrey Sun
Nowadays, it is hard to open a newspaper or turn on the television without receiving a crash course on geo-politics and immigration policy. Whether it be President Trump’s wall or the associated government shut down, immigration…

What is an H-1B Visa and How Does it Affect Silicon Valley Real Estate?
by Audrey Sun
Silicon Valley has always been known as the tech hub of the world, where many innovative and entrepreneurial tech CEOs begin their journey in some garage lacking heat but full of passion. More so than anywhere else, Silicon Valley…