Silicon Beat: In the heart of Silicon Valley, summer home sales keep going up despite sharp drop in listings

SOURCE Real estate markets traditionally suffer from the summertime blahs. But the Silicon Valley market is not a normal market, particularly in Santa Clara County. Yesterday’s monthly report from the CoreLogic real estate information service…

Neighborhood Spotlight: Community Center of Palo Alto

  Community Center, as it is appropriately named, is just that—a community-centric neighborhood of Palo Alto where residents feel a strong connection to each other and the neighborhood itself. With a population of approximately 2,000, Community…

Reinventing a Traditional Home

By Leah Li | Interior Designer The process of reinventing a traditional home always excites me. Compared to new homes that are built to look like a Colonial or a Victorian, true Traditional homes with history, character, and a story to tell are…

Inman Connect 2017: Protecting Ourselves From Power Shifts in Real Estate

The pros predict we'll be working in an increasingly polarized industry The real estate industry is going to become more polarized, with discount brokerages at one end and luxury, high-service brokerages at the other. This prediction came from the…

Winning Preemptive Offers

  In a hot seller’s market such as Silicon Valley, many buyers have undergone a bidding war and were rejected, at least once or twice. This process is not only frustrating and stressful, but emotionally draining on buyers. Buyers in such…

Reverse 1031 Exchange

  People love selling real estate at a profit, but they generally hate paying the associated taxes. Fortunately, IRS Code §1031 allows investors to sell appreciated property and replace it with another property without current recognition…

Silicon Valley: World Leader in Innovation

By Ken DeLeon, ESQ | Founder I was invited to an international real estate conference in South America to discuss what factors led to Silicon Valley’s rise, and how it consistently reinvents itself through continual innovation. This article explores…

Inman News: Network effects are the only way to future-proof brokerages

  A key Silicon Valley lesson that all brokers must learn What exactly is a network effect? Simply defined, a business enjoys a network effect when every additional customer or user increases the overall value of its product or service. Many…

Move-Up Buyers

  Many homeowners have owned their current home for a while and would like to “move up” to a larger, nicer, or more conveniently located home, but they may not be familiar with how to orchestrate that move. The two primary concerns associated…

Renovation & Re-Sale

  There is a fine line between creating a trendy home renovation and a lasting home upgrade. Using trendy materials and designs in your next upgrade can be appealing ways to bring your home into the current century. However, it can also be…