Predicting the Next Hot City

by Ken DeLeon | Founder While a rising tide will lift all boats, in real estate these boats (or neighborhoods) will not all rise at the same velocity. Though there are some mega-trends driving the housing market in Silicon Valley, there are…

The Tale of Two Cities on One Avenue

By Ken DeLeon | Founder I have truly loved my last few months living in Atherton.  The streets are so lush and the beautifully landscaped homes now make my drive to work seem more like taking a relaxing stroll through a magical park.  Atherton…

Why Buyers Love ATHERTON So Much

By Ken DeLeon | Founder While Atherton is internationally famous for its natural beauty and affluence, wise residents know that it is the idyllic charm of this community coupled with its great schools and high quality of life that makes it so attractive…

Exclusive Arrangement with Da Lusso Designs

By Michael Repka The July issue of the DeLeon Insight newsletter includes an article discussing the challenges that limitations on staging inventories can pose for real estate agents during the busy time of the year. This article will address some…

2017: Year in Review

By Ken DeLeon, ESQ. and Michael Repka, ESQ. It started off with the area—and the nation as a whole—adjusting to the notion of a Trump presidency. During the latter half of 2016, the market was quite lethargic as voters remained cautious due…

CBS News: More Peninsula Homes Selling For $1M Over Asking

PALO ALTO (KPIX 5) – Bay Area residents are used to hearing about how red hot the housing market is, but home sales on the Peninsula are taking that trend to a wild new level. In areas closer to Silicon Valley, homes frequently sell for well over…

What is the hardest lesson for home buyers to learn in the San Francisco Bay Area?

  The answer is deceptively easy. The list price for a home may have little to do with the property's market value. Instead, it is just an offer to negotiate. Home buyers must be prepared for serious competition and make their own determination…

Solutions for International Buyers

  According to Forbes magazine, the United States was the most popular destination for Chinese homebuyers, who spent over $14 billion on US properties in 2016. However, given the shifting monetary policies of the Chinese government, how will…

Apple’s New Campus and its Anticipated Effect on Home Prices

  The new Apple “Spaceship” campus in Cupertino, now officially known as Apple Park, is nearing completion and warrants some well-deserved recognition. The concept of this campus was first presented to the Cupertino City Council by Steve…