Housing Affordability for Local Teachers, Police Officers & Firefighters
by Michael Repka, Esq.
Silicon Valley is one of the best places to live in the entire world. From our robust economy and rich culture, to our great weather and scenic beauty, there are few places on earth that can compare to where we call home.
Unfortunately, the attractiveness of this area, coupled with the tremendous financial resources afforded by the local successes of businesses, makes the American dream of owning a home nothing more than a fantasy for many of the area’s hardest working civil servants.
Although only a drop in the bucket, DeLeon Realty remains committed to doing what we can to alleviate this unfortunate situation for those that do so much to enhance our quality of life.
Therefore, if any local teacher, school administrator, firefighter, or police officer wants to buy a primary residence in the town in which they work, then DeLeon Realty will rebate back 100% of the commission that we would have otherwise received on the buyers’ side of the transaction to that teacher, school administrator, firefighter, or police officer.
Additionally, these buyers will receive access to all of the extra services for which we are known. These services include access to our in-house interior designers, handymen, and attorneys.
Ken and I feel that local civil servants should be able to live in the towns that they serve so selflessly. Although 2% to 3% of the purchase price may only be a drop in the bucket, it’s still better than leaving the bucket entirely dry.
This program only applies to the above-mentioned professionals that are buying a primary residence (that they will live in themselves) in the town in which they work. Unfortunately, it does not apply to people purchasing investment properties.
Whether you are buying a home or not, we all thank you for your service to our community.