United States Household Wealth Trends

Americans’ wealth hit an all-time high last summer, in part from the steady recovery of home prices. According to the Federal Reserves’ report, from July through September, the nation’s wealth rose 2.6% to $77.3 trillion. We see that Americans’…

How to FENG SHUI your home

In Palo Alto and the surrounding areas in Silicon Valley, a significant and growing portion of the buyers are Asian, most notably Chinese. For many Chinese buyers, a house needs to have good Feng Shui before they would consider purchasing it. The most…

Preserve charm or enhance home value?

Silicon Valley has charming neighborhoods, and there is an understandable desire to retain the charm and feel of the community. To preserve this appeal, some neighborhood associations enact building restrictions aimed at curbing new construction, especially…

It’s not too late to WINTERIZE your home

As the temperature continues to drop, it is tempting to stay cozy inside – but don’t wait until it’s too late to take important winter maintenance steps to keep your home safe and reduce energy costs. Here are some helpful suggestions to save your…

Asian Impact on the Market

Asian cultures generally value modesty, hard work, and strong family ties. The popular conception is that most Asians work diligently and quietly. However, the loud impact of Asian buyers in Silicon Valley has been noticed. Asian buyers are dominating…

DeLeon Realty’s State of The Market

Following on the heels of 2012, 2013 was yet another stellar year for Silicon Valley real estate. While Silicon Valley has seen a robust market, the core areas, namely Mountain View to Atherton, have been even stronger. The towns within that core have…

电视采访 – 卖家在卖房时易犯的错误

December 11, 2013 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t98gzGu6NmU&feature=youtu.be

Forbes: Ken DeLeon, Top Silicon Valley Sales Agent: Why Chinese Buyers Love Palo Alto

Ken DeLeon, Top Silicon Valley Sales Agent: Why Chinese Buyers Love Palo Alto More Chinese are interested in residential properties in the Bay Area, due to safer ground for investment and good schools. According to Ken DeLeon, in 2006, "the average…

CNBC: Wealthy Chinese Gobbling Up Silicon Valley Homes

Wealthy Chinese Gobbling Up Silicon Valley Homes Chinese buyers are attracted to the tech industry in the Silicon Valley, buying homes with all cash transactions. Ken DeLeon, named the top real estate agent in the country by the Wall Street Journal,…